Some men face the problem of impotence at a fairly early age.
Most insist that they have no reason for such a serious disorder, forgetting about such a negative factor as smoking.
Today almost70% of all potency problems are indirectly related to nicotine addiction., which can ultimately lead to complete loss of erectile function or infertility.
Don't forget about dangerous health conditions like cancer and prostate problems.
To convince yourself of the dangers of smoking, it is necessary to understand the concept of potency and the factors that can inhibit it.
What is power?
Potency refers to the degree of erection of the penis., speed of arousal, presence of good sexual desire, as well as complete ejaculation and orgasm at the end. According to available data, the average duration of sexual relations is about 2. 5 minutes, while a man manages to perform approximately 60 frictions. These figures do not include the time of all sexual contact, but rather the time after direct penetration.
If a man has problems with at least one component, including a very short duration of sexual intercourse in the presence of regular contacts, we should talk about the initial stage of decreased potency.
If the problem that caused erectile dysfunction is not eliminated, the degree of blood filling the penis may gradually worsen, libido may decrease, and orgasm may disappear completely.
In such cases, we are talking about a pronounced degree of impotence, which can lead to a complete loss of the possibility of having sexual relations.
Since many factors can lead to such conditions, it is important to highlight the main ones and also consider ways to preserve men's health without the use of radical measures and dangerous medications.

Positive factors for power.
In order for men's health to always remain within the required limits, it is necessary to lead the healthiest lifestyle possible and follow a series of recommendations.
- Moderate sports activitywithout the use of chemicals and various doping agents. Physical exercise significantly increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, improves endurance and has a positive effect on the heart, allowing for better and longer-lasting sexual relations.
- Avoid foods with carcinogens., which only inhibit sexual function. Natural vegetables, turkey, chicken, fresh fruits from local latitudes - what is needed for the normal functioning of the entire reproductive and reproductive system.
- Eat red meat regularly, but in order not to worsen your condition, it is enough to do it twice a week, with green vegetables as a side dish.
- For best resultsYou can add spices to your food such as cumin, saffron, garlic, anise and basil..
- Taking multivitamins, which should be done twice a year in spring and autumn, when the body is most vulnerable to various disorders and diseases.
- Regularly consume seafood with selenium and iodine.White fish, shrimp and squid are suitable for this.
- Have a regular sex life.. To maintain men's health, you should have 2-3 sexual relations per week.
Negative factors for power.
In addition to including positive factors, you should minimize the number of negative aspects in your life that can affect sexual function.
- alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages alter the excitation mechanism; blood cannot sufficiently fill the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which can cause a lack of erection or prolapse of the penis during direct sexual intercourse.
- Constant stress. They also negatively affect the man's cardiovascular system, which is why the heart simply cannot pump blood normally. This can worsen the quality and duration of sexual relations, and erection problems will appear.
- Eat fatty foodswith many carcinogens. They overload the heart, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in general health and a decrease in the quality of sexual relations.
- Of smoking, which affects absolutely all body systems.
- Excessive physical activity. They do not stimulate the body, but, on the contrary, significantly worsen and wear it out, which can lead not only to a decrease in power, but even cardiac arrest.
- Rare or too frequent sexual relations.. With numerous and daily sexual acts, the system simply will not have time to recover. At the same time, the reproductive system suffers, since the number of sperm decreases several times. Infrequent sexual relations stimulate the accumulation of large amounts of toxic substances in the body and excessive sexual tension, which can ultimately lead to the inability to have sexual relations at the right time.
- Overweight and obesity. Extra pounds put pressure on all pelvic organs, the heart works hard to provide oxygen to all tissues and organs. Because of this, the body simply does not have the strength and ability to provide the man with the necessary erection quality.
The effect of smoking on the reproductive system and potency.
Cigarettes are not just nicotine, which affects all organs and systems of the human body. In addition to this substance,Each cigarette contains more than 4, 000 different impurities and chemical compounds., and more than 200 of them are pure poison.
In some cases, even a single dose of smoking causes a decrease in erectile function by 20% of normal.
SimultaneouslyThe blood supply to the genital organ is significantly reduced., since toxic substances significantly narrow blood vessels due to the accumulation of harmful sediments in them and a sharp decrease in the elasticity of the walls. Because of this, even in an erect state, the penis is significantly smaller than before smoking.
Since nicotine is one of the most powerful neurotoxins, it reduces the quantity of sperm production and also inhibits its quality. At the same time, the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 is blocked, which suppresses the function of the prostate. It begins to grow and put pressure on all the pelvic organs, interfering with urinary function.
Under the influence of these factors, the testicles can no longer produce sperm normally, their number decreases significantly, and the man becomes infertile. In many cases, restoring reproductive function is possible only after prolonged treatment and taking medications that stimulate potency and the reproductive system.
Myths and truths about smoking
Cigarettes help relieve stress

A mild euphoria and peace are achieved thanks to the non-beneficial properties of cigarette smoke.Carcinogens, neurotoxins and nicotine act in the body like a soft drug..
Therefore, the man has the impression that he feels better, the stress has disappeared.
But in fact, this is a classic deception of the brain, when it is filled not with oxygen, but with a mixture of harmful substances.
Little by little, the smoker's body will need more and more poison, so, to calm his nerves, the man will smoke several times more cigarettes than at the beginning.
Quitting smoking increases weight
If a man suddenly begins to gain weight, do not think that the reason is related to a sudden rejection of nicotine.The reason is the constant desire to replace the cigarette with something else., which is what food becomes. A smoker simply does not realize how much food he eats per day. Lack of physical activity and excessive appetite are the reasons for weight gain after quitting smoking. It is worth understanding that obesity and increased body weight ultimately lead to problems with erectile function.
By smoking near a pregnant woman, the child becomes accustomed to nicotine
It is not about addiction, but about the consequences that occur when a pregnant woman constantly inhales tobacco smoke.. If a man cannot quit smoking for the health of the fetus, it is worth preparing for the fact that the woman may experience premature birth, the baby will be born prematurely and with a lack of oxygen, and developmental problems may arise. .
Quitting smoking abruptly is very stressful and dangerous
A smoker's inability to overcome his or her addiction should not be justified with imaginary beliefs that quitting smoking abruptly can cause stress and heart and nervous system problems.
After quitting tobacco addiction, the patient will begin to restore all bodily functions., within a year the lungs and bronchi will be clean of tobacco impurities and harmful tars. There is no danger in giving up a bad habit, even if a man has smoked for several decades.
Smoking is a habit that can be easily broken.

This opinion is fundamentally wrong.Smoking is a full-fledged addiction, which in many cases requires medical attention.to allow the patient to get rid of harmful addictions.
Nicotine affects the smoker's body several times faster, causing addiction in many cases after the first puff or completely smoked cigarette.
At the same time, the concentration of harmful substances after smoking begins to decrease sharply after 30 minutes, which causes the need to give the body a new dose.
After a few months of regular smoking, the number of daily cigarettes can increase several times compared to the original.
Smoking for a man always has a negative effect on the entire reproductive system and potency.. Already after smoking the first cigarette, the quality of sperm decreases significantly, its quantity decreases, and the risk of developing infertility and cancer, including the malignant type, increases.
It is worth approaching the decision to smoke as thoughtfully as possible, understanding that this will have to pay for the health of all systems. The statistics are inexorable, every year the number of infertile men multiplies several times, at the same time the profits of pharmaceutical companies with drugs against impotence and disorders of the reproductive system increase.